Geography Around You

Being a student of geography, I find it very interesting in linking every aspect of daily life with the subject. Everything can be linked to space that in turn falls under the study area of geography. Let's take the example of our home. There is a family system in our house ,a division of labour,a proper sense of belonging. The earnings,hardworking of our parents are the inputs in the family that is processed with interaction among family members and results in a healthy happy relationship(though this hypothesis may go wrong due to adjustment problems which is related to conflicts regarding space and lack of interaction which is to say every single problem is linked to geography.)

           I can even drag "dressing sense" (much to its grievances and grimace)and link it with geography. One day I remember wearing full sleeves on a hot summer day and my friend who herself was wearing sleeveless asked me why I was wearing such thing. It took me several unbearable moments and it was in vain at last to try to make her realize that the strong hot wind and the heat of the sun will not only tan her skin but also affect her health. So ,moral if the story is dress according to the weather of a place.

   We were given similar examples in our lecture classes and were repeatedly forbidden to write such rubbish in answer scripts. But rest assure,the aforementioned views are my own observations.Books of Sherlock Holmes and Feluda haven't triggered me to sharpen my observation power as it has been done by Geography.

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